Feedback & Complaints Process
If you want to make a complaint or have a problem understanding something we have done, please let us know, so we can address the problem.
We are here to take care of the financial & insurance issues you face, so if you think we’ve failed in any way, you can trust that all our people will be committed to resolving the issue.
Our Internal Complaints Process
- In the first instance, talk to your contact person directly;
- If your are still not 100% satisfied, contact our Manager Peter Engel directly on 03-358 7988 or email him or contact our Feedback & Complaints Manager on so they may follow up on your concerns.
Our External Complaints Process
If at the conclusion of our Internal Complaint Process you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may escalate your complaint via our External Dispute Resolution Process. This is where an independent body experienced in financial disputes, mediates between you and us. There is no charge to you for using this service.
Our current external disputes resolution provider is:
Financial Services Complaints Ltd
Ph 0800-347 257 or 04-472 3725
Postal: PO Box 5967, Lambton Quay, Wellington 6145